School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering

From PhD To Innovator

17.07.2023|10:00 Uhr

In July 2023, the Start-up Center of the University of Wuppertal, in collaboration with Young Entrepreneurs in Science, is offering the workshop 'From PhD to Innovator.'

This workshop provides you with the opportunity to advance your career as a scientist and discover your potential as an innovator. Collaborate with other doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers from all disciplines to develop potential start-up ideas. Personally meet founders of knowledge-based start-ups and establish valuable connections.

Date and time: 27. - 28. Juli 2023, 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Location: Dortmund

Day 1: From PhD to Sciencepreneur
Discover what it means to be an entrepreneur, explore your entrepreneurial strengths, and meet our experienced role models, who will share their failures and successes.

Day 2: The Design Thinking Process
Learn and apply the Design Thinking principles to refine ideas for potential products. We will explore the concepts of empathy and human-centred design, and create a prototype for the final presentation.

Participation grants you a personalised certificate and exclusive access to our online network for scientists.

Admission is free and no previous knowledge is required.
Register until 20.07.2023 via the link.

You can also find all the information summarized here.

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