School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering

Combinatorial Degree Programme Bachelor of Arts

The subject Electrical Engineering can be studied as part of the Combinatorial Bachelor of Arts (Kombi-BA). The Kombi-BA offers the possibility to combine two study subjects. You can either study the Kombi-BA if you are simply interested in studying two different subjects at the same time or if you want to prepare yourself specifically for the profession of a teacher. In the field of Electrical Engineering, this is usually the teaching position at a vocational college. General information on the Kombi-BA can be found at the Student Counselling Service.

In the Electrical Engineering course of the Kombi-BA you will acquire a basic scientific qualification in the field of Electrical Engineering. The study programme offers different possibilities of profile building (basics, technology, mediation, see examination regulations). Details on the required academic achievements can be found in the examination regulations. In addition, the course catalogue (WUSEL) offers details on the courses in Electrical Engineering.

If the study programme Electrical Engineering is to be studied as part of teacher training, it is strongly recommended that the appropriate modules be taken in the optional area of the Kombi-BA. Detailed information is available in the service area of the School of Education (ISL).

Following the Kombi-BA, different Master programmes can be studied. General information on Master's programmes is provided by the Student Counselling Service. The Master of Education programme is part of the teacher training programme. General information on teacher training is also provided by the Student Counselling Service. Information on the transition to the Master of Electrical Engineering (M.Sc.) can be found here.

Admission requirements:

Information on the admission requirements can be found on the website of the Student Office.

Examination regulations:

The examination regulations can be found in a central directory. If you register again, you will always be bound by the latest version, including any changes. If you are already studying and do not know your own examination regulations, the Examination Office will provide you with the relevant information.

Examination Regulations of the General Regulations - Revision 2014, Amendment 2015, Amendment 2016

Electrical Engineering 2007, new version 2015

Download of the study programme handout

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our student advisor.

Dr.-Ing. Detlef Theirich

phone: 0202 439-1418

Room: FG.01.19

Office hours: by appointment