School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering

QSL - Quality in Study and Teaching

Welcome, we are the QSL Network: Quality in Study and Teaching!

What do we do?

Our goal is to continuously improve teaching and learning conditions together with the students and staff of the faculty and thus contribute to a successful study of electrical engineering and information technology as well as print and media technology.

Whenever you notice a structural problem in your studies, please feel free to contact us. Some typical examples include

  • a seemingly unsolvable conflict with a lecturer,
  • non-transparent performance and/or examination requirements or
  • time conflicts in courses.

However, you are also welcome to come to us with other criticism, other complaints or concrete suggestions for improvement.

How do we do it?

In order to make changes, we need your feedback. After all, we need to know how the study program could be improved from your point of view. There are several ways to do this.

A formal and even anonymous way to contact us is the QSL contact form. Choose the right contact person for you and write us a message. We will then be informed about your request by mail.

QSL contact form

Direct contact persons

Instead of taking the formal route via the contact form, you can also simply contact us directly. Whether by mail, by phone or during a visit to the office: We do not bite and always treat all concerns confidentially!


Electrical engineering course

Information technology (and media technology) study program

Industrial Engineering and Printing and Media Technology program


Another option is to participate in the surveys within the framework of the so-called Bologna Check. This is a biennial quality control cycle that consists of two parts:

  1. In the first year, you will be asked to give your opinion on your studies and all accompanying circumstances in the so-called EVA-Quest student surveys. The target group will be invited to the survey by mail.

  2. In the second year, the results will be presented on the Day of Studies, possible problems in the study programs will be identified and possible solutions will be discussed together with you. You will also receive an invitation to the study day by e-mail.

How else can you get involved?

The basic rule is: those who remain silent are not heard. If you want to change something, there are many ways to get involved. The first point of contact is us, the QSL network, but there are also decision-making bodies that you can directly influence.

A first point of entry can be the student council.