Artificial Intelligence, Data and Media Engineering
The area of expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Data and Media Engineering combines the data-driven research of applied computer science with automation technology, electrical engineering, and communications engineering and media technology. Within the framework of the "Interdisciplinary Center for Machine Learning and Data Analytics (IZMD)“ the research groups who belong to this area of expertise collaborate with scientists from other disciplines, as well as with industry partners involved in various applied research projects.
Topics are:
Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Data Analytics
Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management
Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
Media Engineering
Machine Data Mining
Transparent and Explainable AI
Artificial Intelligence for Signal Processing Applications
Security of distributed systems
Participating Chairs:
Mr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Brües
Digital Prepress
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tibor Jager
IT-Security und Cryptographie
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Jung
Printing Process Engineering for Offset Printing/Digital Printing
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anton Kummert
General Electrical Engineering and Theoretical Communications Technology / Signal Processing for Assistance Systems
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Meisen
Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation
Mr Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinrich Schmidt
Electronic Media
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Tutsch
Automation / Computer Science
Related Links:
Interdisciplinary Center for Machine Learning and Data Analytics (IZMD)