Colourbox ID: #23942085
Digital Transformation
The area of expertise on Digital Transformation addresses societal changes resulting from the rapid advancement of digital technologies, and in particular, the changes occurring within companies and in academic research. In addition to the focus on digital technologies and tools, this research area also examines the diverse social and cultural contexts associated with the advancements in digital technology.
Topics are:
Technologies and infrastructures for information integration and propagation
Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management
Information Visualization, Visual Analytics and Interaction Design (VR / AR)
(Industrial) Data Science
Cyber Physical Production Systems
Autonomous and self-learning systems
Transfer of results back into (industrial) processes
Secure communication and secure computation
Participating Chairs:
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tibor Jager
IT-Security und Cryptographie
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Jung
Printing Process Engineering for Offset Printing/Digital Printing
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anton Kummert
General Electrical Engineering and Theoretical Communications Technology / Signal Processing for Assistance Systems
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Meisen
Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Tutsch
Automation / Computer Science