The Professors of the Faculty with their Teaching and Research Focus
Mr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Brües
Digital Prepress
Mr Prof. Dr.- Ing. Stefan Butzmann
Sensor Technology and Measurement Systems
Mr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Clemens
Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Görrn
Large Area Optoelectronics
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tibor Jager
IT-Security und Cryptographie
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Jung
Printing Process Engineering for Offset Printing/Digital Printing
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anton Kummert
General Electrical Engineering and Theoretical Communications Technology / Signal Processing for Assistance Systems
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Meisen
Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation
Mr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Neumaier
Smart Sensor Systems
Ms Prof. Dr. PD Selina Olthof
Chair of Material and Surface Analysis
Mr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ullrich Pfeiffer
High Frequency Systems in Communications Technology/ Terahertz-Technology, Automotive Radar Systems
Mr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Riedl
Electronic Devices
Mr Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinrich Schmidt
Electronic Media
Mr Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benedikt Schmülling
Electric Mobility and Energy Storage Systems
Mr Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Soter
Electrical Machines and Drives
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Tibken
Automation Engineering / Control Systems
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Tutsch
Automation / Computer Science
Mr Prof. Dr. Peter Witt
Technology and Innovation Management
Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Zdrallek
Electrical Energy Supply
Emeritus and former professors
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. F. Arp
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Backhaus
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. L. J. Balk
Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Bolt
Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Brückmann
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. K. Buse
Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Chaloupka
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Conrads
Prof. Dr.-Ing. I.-A. Dobrovski
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. mult. J. Engemann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Feiertag
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. E. Forner
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. K.-H. Friedrich
Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Fritsch
Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Gerlach
Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Glasmachers
Prof. Dr.-Ing. V. Hansen
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. O. Hasenpusch
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Heidepriem
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. K. Heidermanns
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Holtz
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. mult. F.-J. In der Smitten
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. W. Janning
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. E.-D. Kayser
Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Kennel
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Herwarth Kieseyer
Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Krahé
Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.-G. Kranz
Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. E. Kraus
Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Kühn
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. phil. R. Laufen
Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Dr. h.c. mult. H. Liebetruth
Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Löffler
Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Mathis
Prof. Dr.-Ing. O. Merkert
Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Möller
Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Müller
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. E.-G. Neumann
Prof. Dr. sc. techn. H. Nour Eldin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Riedl
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. J. Rodriguez-Giles
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. A. G. Roth
Prof. H. Sahler
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Chr. A. Schade
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. G. Schauf
Prof.'in Dr.-Ing. H.-C. Scheer
Prof.'in Dr. rer. nat. C. Sotomayor-Torres
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. D. Spickermann
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. L. Springob
Prof. Dr. rer. oec. H.-R. Treichel
Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Urban
Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Verstege
Prof.'in Dr.-Ing. B. Vogel-Heuser